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Precious Solution Can Help Streamline Your Business

Precious Solution is committed to helping you jumpstart your business and expand your horizons. We offer administrative management solutions to companies that are drowning in menial tasks. As business consultants, we help New England and New Hampshire coaches cut through the red tape and focus on things that matter more. Our coaches and consultants can also help you identify soft spots in your operations and help you streamline your processes. Running a thriving coaching business is challenging, but we are here to make that challenge simpler to overcome. Get in touch with us today, and we’ll start the conversation that will revitalize your business.

one women teaching other women on the laptop

We Offer a Wide Range of Services to Our Clients

We pride ourselves on delivering a wide range of services to our customers. For instance, we can help with calendar management, call answering, data entry, invoicing, personal assistance, research, spreadsheets, QuickBooks services, processing orders, client touches, and much more. No matter what you need, you can count on us to provide you with what you need. The most important result we get for you is helping you spend less time pushing papers and more time pushing your company forward.

We Can Help You Delegate and Organize Better

As a coach or consultant, you have a unique set of responsibilities that differs from brick and mortar businesses. Virtual assistants are capable of handling many of those responsibilities. We can handle any of the following for you so you can focus on big-picture thinking:

Scheduling Follow-ups

Providing a personal touch is one of the most important things a professional coach can do. It lets your clients know they are valued. Virtual assistants allow you to keep things running smoothly – even when you are not in the office.

Marketing Management

Marketing is a crucial element of your business. It involves managing an email list of prospective leads and sending selective emails to drum up business. It is time-consuming work that distracts from other things. Let us carry the load.


We are experienced in QuickBooks and can help manage your books. By taking on this time-consuming task, we clear your plate and allow you to rethink how you approach your business. Our virtual assistants can help.

Travel Arrangements

Professional coaches and consultants travel a lot for their jobs, necessitating booking air travel, rental cars, and more. All of these tasks are time-consuming. We can take them off your plate and enable you to focus on the task at hand.

Contact Us Today for a Consultation