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Innovative and Trustworthy Virtual Assistant Services

Hello, my name is Jen May. I am the founder of Precious Solution, your one-stop-shop for virtual assistant services. Having worked in corporate America for more than 20 years, I understand better than most the challenges business professionals experience on a day-to-day basis. For small business owners, this daily grind is exponentially more intense. Not only do you have to grow your sales and make a profit, but you likely also manage your email, paperwork, human resources, billing, scheduling, and all those other burdens of running a successful company. As an entrepreneur with a passion for admin, I saw an opportunity to offer a great service to which I could feel great about attaching my name.

Our Virtual assistants work with clients of all sizes on the East coast. The local businesses that we help with administration work, typically reside in the beautiful New England states of New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Maine, Connecticut, and Vermont; However, we are happy to work with any business owner who needs assistance in the United States.

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Relieve Your Stress and Invest in Our Services Today

I started Precious Solution to become a go-to resource for business owners who are stressed, exhausted, overworked, and overwhelmed. I pride myself in providing a combination of relief and peace of mind to my clients because they know any work that they delegate to me is in competent hands. Throughout my two-decade career in the corporate world, I honed my skills in organization, planning, multi-tasking, communication, fiscal management, and many other abilities. And as a realtor, I understand the value of personal relationships.

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Customized Solutions to Lighten Your Load

My education is in organizational leadership. As a lifelong learner, I am always attending courses and seminars to further master my craft. Apart from being a master of my trade, I am an empathetic listener. I will discover your pain points through our initial conversations and offer customized solutions to lighten your load.

I Have a Passion for Skyrocketing Your Business

Beyond my career, I am a mother and grandmother. You will find me kayaking or hiking. As a lifelong New Englander, I am a committed New England Patriots fan, and I love the fall and all that comes with it. If you’re looking for administrative solutions, there is no better place to find them. My passion, ingenuity, and experience get the job done.

Contact Us Today for a Consultation